Living a Dailey Life; 30 Days of Fitness and Self-Discovery at The Dailey Method Ottawa

Update: The Dailey Method Ottawa has rebranded since this post was originally published.

Check out their new fitness studio, Where I Thrive.

If you had told me a year ago that I'd be regularly working out 3 times a week, I probably would have laughed in your face!

I've struggled in the past with maintaining a fitness regime. Truthfully, I never enjoyed working out, and often felt discouraged and anxious when visiting the gym. It wasn't until I started taking classes at The Dailey Method that my attitude (and my body!) started changing for the better! The Dailey Method is a fitness studio located in The Glebe, which specializes in group barre and cycle classes.

While I've been attending classes for over 6 months now, I wanted to really push myself further and set some new challenges for myself.
Sarah Thompson and Jamie Rigby, co-owners (and total sweethearts) of The Dailey Method Ottawa, invited me to partake in a 30 day challenge! Though it is recommended to attended at least 3 classes a week to maximize results, there was a suggested goal of attending twenty classes in thirty days (#20in30!) for those who really wanted to push themselves! I strived to attend at least 3 barre classes per week, and get my butt into the cycle studio at least once.

Each class you take during the challenge earns you a star on the board. Talk about #fitspo! 

I get a lot of questions from my friends and family as to what exactly goes on in a barre class, mostly because I never shut up about how much I love it!

It is a combination of pilates, yoga and orthopaedic exercises. The goal is to always maintain proper alignment and muscle engagement through low-impact, isometric movements. This means holding a position like a squat, and moving only an inch up and down, in repetition. While an inch may not seem like a lot, I guarantee you'll feel the burn!! But you'll learn to love it - even during thigh work, I promise!

Praying I'll get through thigh-work (Kidding!)

During these 45-60 minute classes, you'll work every muscle in your body, sometimes with the assistance of a ball, a strap or band, 2 or 3 lb weights, or even the ballet-barre! These props really help me to focus my energy and strength into the exercise, or even assist me when I need a little extra boost.

At TDM, the focus on balance, strength (especially in the core) and flexibility not only enhances performance, but reduces the risk of injury, so it's suitable for everybody and every body!

What I love most about these workouts is that you can truly make each class your own. There's no pressure to keep up with what anyone else is doing, you're free to go at your own pace. The instructors are always there to help make adjustments to your form, and encourage you to tune into your body and push yourself to whatever limits you've set for yourself.

Plus the music is always on point! Especially at Barre So Hard, my personal fave, which happens to feature explicit rap tunes.

The 'Barre So Hard' tank top brings out my sassiness, what can I say?

Throughout the 30 days, my personal goal was to not only be consistent, but to test my boundaries as well. I love my regular barre workouts, as they're fun but still challenging enough that it keeps me coming back week after week. I also wanted to try something new, even if it meant stepping out of my comfort zone.

I'm really kicking myself for not trying cycle sooner! I was really intimidated by it at first; I've never enjoyed being super sweaty, and cardio was never a strong suit for me. Or so I thought!

When the lighting matches your hair, you know it's gonna be a good workout!

Cycle classes are a fast-paced and fun cardio session on a stationary bike. Instructors help to set-up and adjust your bike so that your body is properly aligned in a neutral spine position. This helps to ensure that your core stays engaged for a high-calorie burn. It is quite honestly a 'dance party on a bike' as Sarah has described it! You're encouraged to pedal along with the beat of high-energy tunes, as a vibrant light show dances along with you!

45 minutes in the saddle will have you well on your way to a more sculpted physique!

I didn't expect to love it as much as I do now! My first ride was a bit crazy, as we rode in our sports bras for a body-positive Dare To Bare fundraiser with Movemeant. It was equal parts invigorating and inspiring! I felt a moment of zen as Sarah dimmed the lights and challenged us to pedal up a hill.

"You can do this. You are enough. You are powerful," were the words shouted to us that day, yet I still utter them to myself each time I walk out the door to head to the studio. Consider it my personal mantra!

I've been attending classes at TDM for quite some time now, so the physical results weren't immediately due to the 30 day challenge. Though I do feel I've become much more aware of the changes I now see in my body! I'm toned in places I've never been toned before; Hello biceps and abs!

I do feel that consistency does play a major role in these improvements, so it's important to maintain your practice if you wish to see change. Your posture will thank you, I can say that much! Because I feel more in tune with my body, I've noticed a lot of improvement in my mental health as well. I used to feel intimidated and shy in fitness environments, and that's mostly attributed to my anxiety disorder.
Yet now you can often find me at the front of the class, smile on my face, working along with the beat of the music! I not only look better, I feel better inside and out!

I cannot express in words how welcoming and inclusive this studio is. It is honestly so inspiring to be in a room of people, of all shapes, sizes, and genders and ethnicities, all working towards a common goal. Everyone is respectful and the instructors are incredibly motivating. They encourage you to reflect on why you came to class, and remind you to smile (even when your thighs are on fire).

It's hard to not feel motivated when you hear an instructor call out "Great work, Tori!". I truly feel like I'm part of a family at TDM, and for that alone, these classes are worth every penny.

My version of the Dailey Method splits! Practice makes perfect!

Wanna Live a Dailey Life?

TDM offers a variety of different membership options for every budget and lifestyle. Their new client special grants you access to an unlimited number of classes for a month, at only $79! Visit them at 99 Fifth Ave in the Glebe, and check out for more details! I hope to see you during happy hour at the barre!

Photos by Zara Ansar - Follow her on Instagram at @xoveloxo!

Disclaimer: This post was in collaboration with The Dailey Method Ottawa in exchange for my honest review.


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